- Documentary
- Culture
- Award
- Year
- 2001~現在
- Producer
- 平田 潤子
- Director
- 平田 潤子, 伊藤 憲, 望月 一扶, 羽根井 信英, 安部 真理恵
- Media
- スカパー!529ch
- Episode
- 110
- Length
- 30分/45分/60分
- Year of Award
- 2015
- Award Name
- 映文連アワードソーシャルコミュニケーション部門優秀賞
Contemporary poetry, haiku, tanka, literature, contemporary dance, butoh, painting, and music… This is an art documentary series that collaborates with and chronicles artists of various genres (including those who have passed away).
There is no set format, and each episode is freely expressed by its producers.
Since its launch in 2001, the program has covered artists in various genres, and as of 2023, 110 episodes have been broadcast and archived. Why do they express themselves? The series is a discovery of the “now” and is sure to be a resource for surviving the modern era.
Year: 2001~Present
Producer: Hirata Junko
Director: Hirata Junko, Ito Ken, Mochizuki Kazuho, Hanei Nobuhide
Media: SKY PerfecTV! Ch.529 Better Life Channel
Length: 30min,45min, 60min
Award: 2015 JAAP INTERNATIONAL SHORT FESTIVAL, Social Communication Division

Tokyo motto!2 Genki keikaku Institute